Course Catalogue
A Full Suite of Professional Training
Courses and Programs
Pro Trader Mentoring
Advanced Program
Advanced Programs
systematic trading
Systems Academy 2.0
A 1-Year program to learn and develop systematic trading knowledge and skill with supervised hands-on project work
Professional Mentoring
Skill Development
Pro Trader Mentoring
Weekly online meetings to discuss rule-based discretionary trading, open forum, Q&A, learning advanced techniques
Skill Development
Pro Trader Library
A comprehensive library of lectures on discretionary price-action trading from past Pro Trader live sessions: discounted 84%
Breakouts: Research Whitepaper
Systematic Trading
Breakouts Research
Ali's in-depth research on breakouts to quantify behavioral probabilities of breakouts, includes the indicator he wrote based on this research (for TradeStation and MultiCharts platforms)
Practice Tools for Enhanced Learning
Skill Development
Flash Cards
A collection of over 700 slides on advanced price action trading techniques and strategies with an emphasis on intraday trading
Skill Development
Chart Archive
A deep archive of 5 minute intraday charts of ES, containing over 2000 charts since 2015 combined with daily and 60 minute charts